Saturday, October 24, 2015

Lung Transplant Success Story By Mrs.Rohini Jayamanne

Rtn. Rukmani Amerasinghe being inducted


 New member Inducted. Rtn,Kumari Hapugala Perera

Mr Rice from the company supply the Cancer Detecting equipment to our  Center.

Amity Alles who introduced Ms Jayamanne 

Mrs Rohini Jayamanne about her experience of Heart Trnasplanting to her Husband President's Councle Mr. Jayamanne 

Lung Transplant Success Story By Mrs.Rohini Jayamanne

Rtn. Rukmani Amerasinghe being inducted


 New member Inducted. Rtn,Kumari Hapugala Perera

Mr Rice from the company supply the Cancer Detecting equipment to our  Center.

Amity Alles who introduced Ms Jayamanne 

Mrs Rohini Jayamanne about her experience of Heart Trnasplanting to her Husband President's Councle Mr. Jayamanne 

Rotary International