Saturday, September 7, 2013

Water Purification School no 2 Anuradhapura

Mudunegama Maha Vidyalaya
Children Greeting  Daya, Rajiv and Rafeek even in the Rain

The Principal Dangolla 

Opening of the Plaque

The Plant

Dangolla, Rajiv, Rafeek, Daya

Lighting of the traditional Oil lam


The Rep from Macwood who assisted us to find the schools

District Educational Official Kusumawathie

A parent Sanjeewa

Some of the parents with their Children

Water Purification School no 2 Anuradhapura

Mudunegama Maha Vidyalaya
Children Greeting  Daya, Rajiv and Rafeek even in the Rain

The Principal Dangolla 

Opening of the Plaque

The Plant

Dangolla, Rajiv, Rafeek, Daya

Lighting of the traditional Oil lam


The Rep from Macwood who assisted us to find the schools

District Educational Official Kusumawathie

A parent Sanjeewa

Some of the parents with their Children

Water Purification Plants to Schools in Anuradhapura

Vidyaraja Vidyalaya
Vihara Palug Gama, Anurdhapura

Daya being greeted by the students

President RC Anuradhapura Lushantha

The Staff Members

Students 750 in the School

Younger Kids

Daya, Rajiv and Educational Director Mr. Dissanayake with Mohammed

Mohamed with his Daughter

Nimal with Rafeekdeen

The school anthem being played and sung

President RC Anuradhapura Lushantha

The principal Mr.Rohitha


Rest of his pupils Made a very nice performance 

Rabba Ayya

Rajiv addressing the gathering the ceremony 

Dance by the students

Daya with the First Glass of Purified water.

The Water Tank

The Plaque 

Part of the unit installed by Jinasena the contractor

Smiling faces of the school students who were regretful for every stake holder

They did not fail to say thank you a piece of Milkrice and Cake!

Rotary International