DGE Senake Amerasinghe, held the Pre Presidents Elect Training Seminar held at Mt. Lavina Hotel for all the Elected Presidents for the year of
2016-2017 organized by RC Metorpolitan
District Secretary Pubudu
Organizing Club Colombo Metropolitan
President Elect Muaza with DGE Senake
PDG Krish
PDG Arch Klump Fellow Suri Rajan
Dinesh With IPDG Gowri
District Assistant Secretary PP EG Dharmasena from RC Badulla
Wahab with Muaza
Observer PN Colombo Somes
Jayawardane Pura Medical College Rotaract Helping hand
PE Kaushalya from Colombo Centennial
Senake with Gowri at the head table
DGE Senake at Pre Pets
DG George
PE Mohammed Abidally
PP Maha
Future Materiel Naqeeb
Etiquette and Manners by Nidra Wickramasinge
Rotary Vocabulary IPDG Gowri