Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rotary Foundation Global Grant Provides Clean Drinking Water to Five Villages in Anuradhapura

The Rotary Club of Colombo, D3220 Sri Lanka declared open five reverse osmosis filtration plants to provide safe drinking water to five village communities including two schools, in Medawachchiya, Parasangaswewa, Nochiyagama, and Maha Wilachiya in the Anuradhapura District, North Central Province of Sri Lanka where the prevalence Chronic Kidney Disease (CKDu) has shown an alarming increase in recent years. Approximately ten thousand men women and children living in these areas will benefit from these plants. The village communities were also provided with an education on water, sanitation and its relationship to better health and related safety issues to bring about positive behavioural changes.  

The total cost of the plants approx. Rs 8.7 million, (US$ 60,000) was funded by a Global Grant from the Rotary Foundation and supported by the Rotary Clubs of Katsuura, Japan, Nuremberg, Germany and Rotary International Districts 2790, Japan and 1880, Germany.
Children enjoy safe drinking water

Plant Room at Sri Siddhartha Maha Vidyalaya, Maha Wilachiya

Rtns President Mohammed Abidally and IPP Setsuko Urushibara ceremonially decalre open water project at Kirrigallewa, Medawachiya

Rtn's from the Rotary Clubs of Colombo, Anuradhapura, and Katsuura (Japan)
Plant Room at Amabagaswewa, Parasangaswewa
Ralapanawa Janapada Vidyalaya, Nochiyagama

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