Friday, October 11, 2013

Speaker Rtn.Naqeeb Hussain Our Member.

Diving ordeal in December 2012

Visitor Rtn William Scraff from UK

Tissa on RI President Ravi's Felicitation

Rtn. Naqeeb himself 

Speaker Rtn.Naqeeb Hussain Our Member.

Diving ordeal in December 2012

Visitor Rtn William Scraff from UK

Tissa on RI President Ravi's Felicitation

Rtn. Naqeeb himself 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Community Service Committee Meeting at Orient Club

Orient Club has commenced in 1894 Chairman Andrew, Shameema, Daya and Nimal headed the table.

There were close upon 50 participants including spouses

Hosts for the event was Tony, Cally, Mahanama, Kumudu and Nimal

Community Service Committee Meeting at Orient Club

Orient Club has commenced in 1894 Chairman Andrew, Shameema, Daya and Nimal headed the table.

There were close upon 50 participants including spouses

Hosts for the event was Tony, Cally, Mahanama, Kumudu and Nimal

Rotary International