Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stafford International College Interact Club

Insallation of the President of the Interact Club of Stafford International College was held on the 17th Sep, 2009 withe participation of President Nimal Samarokkody, Aroshi, Rajieve and Rohan reperesented the RC Colombo.

Stafford International College Interact Club

Insallation of the President of the Interact Club of Stafford International College was held on the 17th Sep, 2009 withe participation of President Nimal Samarokkody, Aroshi, Rajieve and Rohan reperesented the RC Colombo.

Royal College Interact Club Installation

Rotarian Advisor Majeed Cader, Secretary Rohan K represented the Club

Royal College Interact Club Installation

Rotarian Advisor Majeed Cader, Secretary Rohan K represented the Club

Rotary International