Friday, August 23, 2013

Speaker Tissa Bandaranayake on RI Constitution Changes

PDG Tissa was elaborating on Changes in the Constitution and Bylaws of Rotary International which happens every three years. 

Guests of Daya

Nithi with the announcements 

Speaker Tissa Bandaranayake on RI Constitution Changes

PDG Tissa was elaborating on Changes in the Constitution and Bylaws of Rotary International which happens every three years. 

Guests of Daya

Nithi with the announcements 

International Service Committee Meeting 2/2013

Meeting was held at Grand Orient Hotel, I must mention about the venue as this has been refurbished and the quite City Center during the Early night was bringing tranquility any one. Over looking the Colombo Harbor it was an enchanting view from Harbor Room where we had the dinner. What ever the glass we wear must admit it is the old glory and the Peace that we see is great.
The Plaque at the Lobby

Entrance to the harbor

Arun with a guest from Mumbai a rep of Washington Post

Usual Ladies meeting on the background

International Service Committee Meeting 2/2013

Meeting was held at Grand Orient Hotel, I must mention about the venue as this has been refurbished and the quite City Center during the Early night was bringing tranquility any one. Over looking the Colombo Harbor it was an enchanting view from Harbor Room where we had the dinner. What ever the glass we wear must admit it is the old glory and the Peace that we see is great.
The Plaque at the Lobby

Entrance to the harbor

Arun with a guest from Mumbai a rep of Washington Post

Usual Ladies meeting on the background